Our Team.



Hans has extensive experience with economic and statistical modelling and analysis. With a background from Denmark and Australia as a university researcher, from economic consultancies, and Danish economic ministries (The Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Economics), he is an expert in several areas of government policies, in econometric and statistical analysis and modelleing of policies and policy impact, as well as in business research.

Hans holds an MSc in Mathematics and Economics.


Susan has extensive experience with analysis of survey data and management of large scale costumer data for the insurance business. She did microsimulation and policy modelling in Canberra for a national research organization and business consulting with the Economist Intelligence Unit where she has conducted research and consulting projects for numerous multi-national companies and government organizations in Australia and elsewhere. Before setting up her own technology company for financial industries 10 years before, Susan worked for multi-national insurance companies in Australia, Asia, and Europe as senior executive managing business operations for 18 years.

Susan holds an BEc from Australian National University.


Adam is a Master’s graduate of economics from the University of Edinburgh where he developed a passion for econometric policy analysis using microdata. He has worked as a research assistant for the DREAM group, an independent institution under the Danish Ministry of Finance, where he worked with microsimulation models that employ machine learning techniques to estimate future scenarios for the Danish population. More recently Adam has been working on developing a risk model for independent workers in an insurance setting. He is passionate about researching modern estimation techniques and applying them to bespoke solutions.

Adam holds an MSc in Economics (Econometrics)